Banana Oatmeal Cupcakes with Blueberries

Skjermbilde 2014-09-15 kl. 12.12.20I’m sure many of you have your freezer stocked up with delicious frozen berries. Here’s a great way to use them: Make delicious oatmeal muffins! It’s SO easy! You simply need:

  • 3 mashed bananas (the riper the better!)
  • 2 dl/1 cup vanilla almond milk/soy milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 6dl/3 cups oats
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 tbsp mini blueberries
  • (add 1tbsp of protein powder if you want)

This will give you approx. 12 muffins 🙂 Mix it all together and bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Enjoy for breakfast or as a late night treat!

Gluten Free Veggie Burgers for the Rainy Days Ahead

Fall is here and hand in hand with this time a year comes the opportunity to stay inside – guilt free. Moreover, fall opens up for comfort food! My personal fall favorites are burgers and creamy soups.

So here’s the deal: I make good soups, but my veggie burgers have previously tasted like cardboard. So it’s taken me a long time to actually find a good recipe. Then I found this one – easy to make, gluten free, vegetarian & actually TASTY! 

Try it with mustard, mushrooms, rocket salad and tomatoes (or other veggies your heart desires), and serve with homemade, gluten free hamburger bread! It’s yummy! 


Greener travels

OK, traveling green is not always easy and accessible, and flying to China will not go down in history as one of my green travels. However, I am now tracking through China mainly by boat and train, and am staying at eco hotels. This is a great way to see the place, while living relatively responsibly! Couple that with veggie food, and your travel will at least have shades of green…


We’re currently in this amazing place!

Delicious mango, tomato and mozzarella salad!

Summer is here, and I highly recommend this light and delicious salad! Mix 8 cherry tomatoes, 1 mango, half a package of rocket salad, a handful of fresh basil, and one “chunk” of mozzarella cheese in a salad bowl. To make a good dressing add some sea salt & provence herbs, 1-2 table spoons of mango vinegar (or another juice based vinegar), and 3-4 table spoons extra virgin olive oil. Easy and really tasty!tomatoe & mango salad

Veggie Lasagnas


Don’t know what to eat to stay on top of your game at an exam? Or at work? A friend of mine asked me to post a recipe that she could use to cook a meal for a 5 hour exam. My suggestion is veggie lasagna, as it tastes great – even 5 hours after it is taken out of the fridge – and as you can make a large one and freeze it in exam portions to save time on cooking. 

I really recommend these two recipes: Vegetarian Spinach and Mushroom Lasagna Recipe (somewhat complex but really good) & this Veggie & cottage cheese Lasagna Recipe (somewhat easy but still really good). But remember: The great thing about a veggie lasagna is that you can use almost any vegetable & cheese you have! Just use tomato sauce, appropriate seasoning, vegetables & any kind of cheese + pasta/squash in layers in between, and you’re there 🙂 

Also, you can find 10 smart suggestions as to how one can eat healthy here

Good luck! 


Reaching a Goal Depends on Setting a SMART one!

I have started an 8-week challenge where my goal is to get stronger by working out at least 5 times a week. In ordered to get motivated I followed some simple steps that I can really recommend. If you’re interested check out this link!


So far it’s going pretty well with an average of 7.5 work out sessions a week, and I’m determined to keep it up! In terms of my aim to get stronger, I will keep you posted 🙂 Image

Beetroot, Carrot and Chèvre Salad

Sick of boring salads? Try this one! Image

200g baby beetroot
230g/8oz carrots, cut into 3cm chunks
225g young goats’ cheese
a few sprigs fresh thyme
2 garlic cloves
200g rocket salad
3 tbsp olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp sherry/rasberry/fruity vinegar
6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

  1. Preheat the oven to 200C

  2. Place skinned beetroots onto a roasting tray and toss with the olive oil, salt and pepper.

  3. Place into the oven and roast for 30 minutes.

  4. Add the carrots and garlic and toss to coat with the oil before returning to the oven for a further 15 minutes until tender.

  5. Cut the goat cheese into thin slices and place them in the oven for ca. 5 minutes (until the cheese turns somewhat brownish)

  6. Meanwhile to make the dressing by mixing oil, vinegar, thyme, pepper & salt

  7. Remove beetroot from the tray and allow to cool slightly

  8. Place in a bowl along with the roasted carrots.

  9. Add cheese & sprinkle with rocket salad and dressing.

Enjoy this easy, healthy, green & yummy salad!

Ashtanga Yoga 15 Minute Home Practice

Turid_Steen_greyscale_t2Even when I was little my grandma always told me that my biggest problem is that I am unable to simply “be” – not analyze, chat, read, watch, but just sit & enjoy nothingness. Although I am painstakingly aware that her words couldn’t be of greater validity, I have yet to reach a state of mind where just sitting and being makes me calm. I have, however, been able to reach a meditative state when doing yoga, and thus try to attend at least one yoga class a week. For those of you who, like me, have a tendency to have a lot on their plate, this 15 minute Ashtanga workout does the trick. You can do it anywhere & anytime you like. Good luck on simply being – I think it can do most of us some good!


Delicious Peanut Butter & Banana Protein Shake

Today I felt absolutely ridiculous when I cycled home with a huge can of protein powder – It is seriously larger than my upper body… But a woman’s gotta do what a woman’s gotta do! Here’s a great recipe that makes all my ridiculousness worth it:


  • 1 Scoop vegetable based protein powder
  • 1 Scoop vegetable based protein powder
  • Natural, organic peanut butter
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 Cup skimmed Milk (soy milk if you are allergic)
  • 1/4 Cup Quaker Oats (gluten free if you are allergic)
  • 4 Ice Cubes
  • Pinch of Salt
  • Pinch of cinnamon


  • Slice the banana into large chunks
  • Throw all of the ingredients into a blender except for most of the milk. Blend thoroughly until liquefied. Then add milk.


Skjermbilde 2014-04-22 kl. 16.51.04